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NEW! Your next workshop
starting November 15, 2021


Next online workshop: Your Resilience Toolbox

Your first steps towards the best version of yourself and to learn practical tools to enhance your resilience!

Would you like to be happier? Less stressed? Have more control over your life?

Let's learn together how to increase your well-being, how to foster healthy positive relationships, how to feel empowered and in the driving seat of your life, how to set and achieve your goals and how to build lasting resources to face daily stressors. We will learn together how to build positive mental resources to build our mental fitness.

This online group workshop of 5 weeks is aimed at giving you an overview of the up-to-date theories and practices of Behavioral Science and Positive Psychology, mixed with my personal and professional experience.

You can learn at your own pace and when the time is right for you. Each week will have a dedicated theme where the concepts will be explained and some practical exercises will be given. You will be able to practice and exchange in a safe, supporting group, where each member will have your back! You will also have the opportunity to reach out and exchange during the live weekly sessions.

What will you learn in the Resilience Toolbox Workshop?

Course Overview


What is resilience? How does science define resilience and what does behavioral science say about it? Can we train it? During the first week, we will clear some misconceptions about well-being and resilience and we will map out our goal and how to achieve it. We will also discover our own and unique character strengths and learn how to rely on them to build resilient resources.


The first step to training your resilience is to build your awareness. We will discuss emotion identification (discover what positive psychology has to say about positive emotions and practice our positivity ratio). We will cover what it means to have a purpose and meaning in life, and how it contributes to happiness, psychological well-being and even physical health.


We will discuss the roles of habits in building one's resilience. We will look at the science explaining how habits are built and learn how to create new healthy habits that will act as a foundation to build our resilience. We will cover the role of habits vs self-control and see how self-efficacy can help us achieve our goals and build our confidence.


In week 4, we will concentrate on building resources to build our mental fitness. The ability to reach out when faced with adversity is a key component of a resilient mindset. We will learn how to nurture positive relationships - whether with friends, family or colleagues. We will also cover a wide range of topics to allow us to regenerate, such as sleep, healthy eating, physical activity, journaling. We will also talk about optimism and most importantly how to nurture an optimistic mindset.


In week 5, we will focus on the scientifically proven tools that can help us go through a period of high stress and demand. We will look into our biases and how these affect our processing of events - and cover strategies to change our physical and emotional responses to adversity and develop real time resilience. We will practice scientifically proven methods to lower our stress hormones.


Don't miss out! To allow for a productive workshop, the places are limited.

I hope you will join us on this positive journey!

The price for the 5 week Resilience Toolbox Workshop is 297 US Dollars

Send me an email if you have any questions: nathalie@nathaliegrand.com

Are you joining us? Please fill in the registration form below.

Resilience Toolbox Workshop

5 week Resilience Toolbox Workshop
297 US Dollars

Shannon M.

I found all the materials and the presentations very professional, clear, with a good balance of content. The instructor / coach also gave many good examples when explaining the concepts. It was also good to be part of a group and be able to interact with others to share experiences, best practices, challenges, etc. and to also have the coach's comments and support.

Andrew B.

I learned a lot about resilience, and self empowerment. Very well explained great exercises you can implement into your life with ease.

Thomas G.

I attended Nathalie’s online workshop a few weeks back as I was going through a rough patch at work and trying to figure out how things could improve. I didn’t have great expectations signing up to the course and my issues at work have not completely gone away, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I learnt and how I could apply this to my job, and perhaps my perspective on certain aspects of my life. Nathalie is a very engaging mentor, listening to our problems and coming up with interesting suggestions. The course makes use of theoretical concepts taken from academic literature, which does feel a bit tedious at times, but provides a useful framework. Plenty of useful tips were offered that can readily be applied to the workplace. Overall, highly recommended

Julie M.

I loved the interaction within the group! This workshop was a real "eye opener" for me - filled with very practical tools to apply directly in your every day life. I just wished I had done it sooner!